EHS Embedded HTTP Server
parser Member List
This is the complete list of members for parser, including all inherited members.
consume(std::istream &s)parser [inline]
get_close_code() const parser [inline]
get_close_reason() const parser [inline]
get_header_str()parser [inline]
get_opcode() const parser [inline]
get_payload()parser [inline]
get_payload_str() const parser [inline]
is_control() const parser [inline]
parser(rng_policy &rng)parser [inline]
ready() const parser [inline]
reset()parser [inline]
set_fin(bool fin)parser [inline]
set_masked(bool masked)parser [inline]
set_opcode(opcode::value op)parser [inline]
set_payload(const std::string &source)parser [inline]
set_payload(const std::vector< unsigned char > &source)parser [inline]