EHS Embedded HTTP Server
A WebSockets gateway.
/* $Id: ehs_wsgate.cpp 114 2012-04-03 22:50:31Z felfert $ * * EHS is a library for embedding HTTP(S) support into a C++ application * * Copyright (C) 2004 Zachary J. Hansen * * Code cleanup, new features and bugfixes: Copyright (C) 2010 Fritz Elfert * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation; * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * This can be found in the 'COPYING' file. * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include <ehs.h> #include <vector> #include <sstream> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <stdexcept> #include <typeinfo> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdio> #include <cerrno> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H # include <sys/types.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H # include <sys/socket.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H # include <sys/wait.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_IN_H # include <netinet/in.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_ARPA_INET_H #include <arpa/inet.h> #endif #include "common.h" #include "btexception.h" #include "base64.h" #include "sha1.h" #include "wsendpoint.h" using namespace std; using boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy; static const char * const ws_magic = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"; // subclass of EHS that defines a custom HTTP response. class WsGate : public EHS { public: WsGate(EHS *parent = NULL, std::string registerpath = "") : EHS(parent, registerpath) , m_sHostname("localhost") { } HttpResponse *HandleThreadException(ehs_threadid_t, HttpRequest *request, exception &ex) { HttpResponse *ret = NULL; string msg(ex.what()); cerr << "##################### Catched " << msg << endl; cerr << "request: " << hex << request << dec << endl; tracing::exception *btx = dynamic_cast<tracing::exception*>(&ex); if (NULL != btx) { string tmsg = btx->where(); cerr << "Backtrace:" << endl << tmsg; if (0 !="fatal")) { ret = HttpResponse::Error(HTTPRESPONSECODE_500_INTERNALSERVERERROR, request); string body(ret->GetBody()); tmsg.insert(0, "<br>\n<pre>").append(msg).append("</pre><p><a href=\"/\">Back to main page</a>"); body.insert(body.find("</body>"), tmsg); ret->SetBody(body.c_str(), body.length()); } } return ret; } // generates a page for each http request ResponseCode HandleRequest(HttpRequest *request, HttpResponse *response) { if ((0 == request->Uri().compare("/")) || (0 == request->Uri().compare("/index.html"))) { ifstream f("samples/wstest.html", ios::binary); if ( {"wstest.html", ios::binary); if ( { throw tracing::runtime_error("Failed to open html source"); } } f.seekg (0, ios::end); size_t fsize = f.tellg(); f.seekg (0, ios::beg); char *buf = new char [fsize]; (buf,fsize); f.close(); response->SetBody(buf, fsize); delete buf; return HTTPRESPONSECODE_200_OK; } if (0 == request->Uri().compare("/wsgate")) { response->SetBody("", 0); if (REQUESTMETHOD_GET != request->Method()) { cerr << endl << "!0 '" << request->Method() << "'" << endl; return HTTPRESPONSECODE_400_BADREQUEST; } if (0 != request->HttpVersion().compare("1.1")) { cerr << endl << "!1 '" << request->HttpVersion() << "'" << endl; return HTTPRESPONSECODE_400_BADREQUEST; } string wshost(to_lower_copy(request->Headers("Host"))); string wsconn(to_lower_copy(request->Headers("Connection"))); string wsupg(to_lower_copy(request->Headers("Upgrade"))); string wsver(request->Headers("Sec-WebSocket-Version")); string wskey(request->Headers("Sec-WebSocket-Key")); string wsproto(request->Headers("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol")); string wsext(request->Headers("Sec-WebSocket-Extension")); if (!MultivalHeaderContains(wsconn, "upgrade")) { return HTTPRESPONSECODE_400_BADREQUEST; } if (!MultivalHeaderContains(wsupg, "websocket")) { return HTTPRESPONSECODE_400_BADREQUEST; } if (0 != { return HTTPRESPONSECODE_400_BADREQUEST; } string wskey_decoded(base64_decode(wskey)); if (16 != wskey_decoded.length()) { return HTTPRESPONSECODE_400_BADREQUEST; } SHA1 sha1; uint32_t digest[5]; sha1 << wskey.c_str() << ws_magic; if (!sha1.Result(digest)) { return HTTPRESPONSECODE_500_INTERNALSERVERERROR; } // Handle endianess for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { digest[i] = htonl(digest[i]); } response->RemoveHeader("Content-Type"); response->RemoveHeader("Content-Length"); response->RemoveHeader("Last-Modified"); response->RemoveHeader("Cache-Control"); if (!MultivalHeaderContains(wsver, "13")) { response->SetHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Version", "13"); return HTTPRESPONSECODE_426_UPGRADE_REQUIRED; } if (0 < wsproto.length()) { response->SetHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", wsproto); } response->SetHeader("Upgrade", "websocket"); response->SetHeader("Connection", "Upgrade"); response->SetHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Accept", base64_encode(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(digest), 20)); return HTTPRESPONSECODE_101_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS; } return HTTPRESPONSECODE_404_NOTFOUND; } void SetHostname(const string &name) { m_sHostname = name; } private: string m_sHostname; }; #ifndef _WIN32 // Bind helper is not needed on win32, because win32 does not // have a concept of privileged ports. class MyBindHelper : public PrivilegedBindHelper { public: MyBindHelper() : mutex(pthread_mutex_t()) { pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL); } virtual bool BindPrivilegedPort(int socket, const char *addr, const unsigned short port) { bool ret = false; pid_t pid; int status; char buf[32]; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); switch (pid = fork()) { case 0: sprintf(buf, "%08x%08x%04x", socket, inet_addr(addr), port); execl("bindhelper", buf, ((void *)NULL)); exit(errno); break; case -1: break; default: if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) != -1) { ret = (0 == status); if (0 != status) cerr << "bind: " << strerror(WEXITSTATUS(status)) << endl; } break; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); return ret; } private: pthread_mutex_t mutex; }; #endif typedef boost::shared_ptr<wspp::wsendpoint> conn_ptr; typedef boost::shared_ptr<wspp::wshandler> handler_ptr; typedef std::map<EHSConnection *, conn_ptr> conn_map; typedef std::map<EHSConnection *, handler_ptr> handler_map; class MyWsHandler : public wspp::wshandler { public: MyWsHandler(EHSConnection *econn, EHS *ehs) : m_econn(econn) , m_ehs(ehs) {} virtual void on_message(std::string, std::string data) { cerr << "GOT Message: '" << data << "'" << endl; data.insert(0, "Yes, "); send_text(data); } virtual void on_close() { cerr << "GOT Close" << endl; ehs_autoptr<GenericResponse> r(new GenericResponse(0, m_econn)); m_ehs->AddResponse(ehs_move(r)); } virtual bool on_ping(const std::string data) { cerr << "GOT Ping: '" << data << "'" << endl; return true; } virtual void on_pong(const std::string data) { cerr << "GOT Pong: '" << data << "'" << endl; } virtual void do_response(const std::string data) { cerr << "Send WS response '" << data << "'" << endl; ehs_autoptr<GenericResponse> r(new GenericResponse(0, m_econn)); r->SetBody(, data.length()); m_ehs->AddResponse(ehs_move(r)); } private: MyWsHandler(const MyWsHandler&); MyWsHandler& operator=(const MyWsHandler&); EHSConnection *m_econn; EHS *m_ehs; }; class MyRawSocketHandler : public RawSocketHandler { public: MyRawSocketHandler(WsGate *parent) : m_parent(parent) , m_cmap(conn_map()) , m_hmap(handler_map()) { } virtual bool OnData(EHSConnection *conn, std::string data) { if (m_cmap.end() != m_cmap.find(conn)) { m_cmap[conn]->AddRxData(data); return true; } return false; } virtual void OnConnect(EHSConnection *conn) { cerr << "GOT WS CONNECT" << endl; handler_ptr h(new MyWsHandler(conn, m_parent)); conn_ptr c(new wspp::wsendpoint(h.get())); m_hmap[conn] = h; m_cmap[conn] = c; } virtual void OnDisconnect(EHSConnection *conn) { cerr << "GOT WS DISCONNECT" << endl; conn_map::iterator ic = m_cmap.find(conn); if (m_cmap.end() != ic) { m_cmap.erase(ic); } handler_map::iterator ih = m_hmap.find(conn); if (m_hmap.end() != ih) { m_hmap.erase(ih); } } private: MyRawSocketHandler(const MyRawSocketHandler&); MyRawSocketHandler& operator=(const MyRawSocketHandler&); WsGate *m_parent; conn_map m_cmap; handler_map m_hmap; }; // basic main that creates a threaded EHS object and then // sleeps forever and lets the EHS thread do its job. int main (int argc, char **argv) { cout << getEHSconfig() << endl; if (argc != 2) { cerr << "Usage: " << basename(argv[0]) << " [port]" << endl; return 0; } cerr << "binding to " << atoi(argv[1]) << endl; WsGate srv; #ifndef _WIN32 MyBindHelper h; srv.SetBindHelper(&h); #endif MyRawSocketHandler sh(&srv); srv.SetRawSocketHandler(&sh); ostringstream oss; oss << "localhost:" << argv[1]; srv.SetHostname(oss.str()); EHSServerParameters oSP; oSP["port"] = argv[1]; oSP["mode"] = "onethreadperrequest"; try { srv.StartServer(oSP); kbdio kbd; cout << "Press q to terminate ..." << endl; while (!(srv.ShouldTerminate() || kbd.qpressed())) { srv.HandleData(1000); } srv.StopServer(); } catch (exception &e) { cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << endl; } return 0; }