Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
__caseless | Caseless Compare class for case insensitive map |
ContentDisposition | This class stores the content disposition of a subbody |
Datum | Class that makes it easy to go between numbers and strings |
EHS | EHS provides HTTP server functionality to a child class |
EHSConnection | EHSConnection abstracts the concept of a connection to an EHS application |
EHSServer | EHSServer contains all the network related services for EHS |
FormValue | This class stores form data sent from the client in GET and POST requests |
GenericResponse | This class represents what is sent back to the client |
HttpRequest | This class represents a clients HTTP request |
HttpResponse | This class represents what is sent back to the client |
MutexHelper | Automatically unlocks a mutex if destroyed |
NetworkAbstraction | Abstracts different socket types |
parser | The main parser/codec for our WebSockets implementation |
PassphraseHandler | This interface describes a handler for retrieving passphrases |
PrivilegedBindHelper | Helper class for binding of sockets to privileged ports |
RawSocketHandler | Helper class for performing raw socket IO |
SHA1 | This class implements the Secure Hashing Standard as defined in FIPS PUB 180-1 published April 17, 1995 |
simple_rng | A VERY simplistic random generator |
Socket | Plain socket implementation of NetworkAbstraction |
validator | A validator for UTF-8 strings |
wsendpoint | This class implements a server-side WebSockets endpoint |
wserror | This class represents any errors in our WebSockets implementation |
wshandler | Event handler interface for the server-side WebSockets endpoint |